<br><br><br> .center[.title[.large[Data Lab for Social Good <br> Research ~~Group~~ Team]]] .sticker-float[] .bottom[ ## Bahman Rostami-Tabar Slides: https://www.bahmanrt.com/talk/2025-lomsac/ ] --- background-image: url("resources/hierarchy-left.jpeg") background-size: contain background-position: left class: middle .pull-right2[ ## Outline - Who we are and what we do? - DL4SG activities - Projects and partners - Future plans ] --- background-image: url("resources/hierarchy-left.jpeg") background-size: contain background-position: left class: middle .pull-right2[ ## Outline - .remember[Who we are and what we do?] - DL4SG activities - Projects and partners - Future plans ] <!-- --- --> <!-- - Established in October 2023 --> <!-- - Before DL4SG and between Jan. 2018- Oct. 2023: --> <!-- - Built relationship with organisations --> <!-- - Created a niche area called "Forecasting for Social Good" at International Institute of Forecasters --> <!-- - Delivered 23 3-day training on data analytics and forecasting in 15 African countries and 8 NHS Trusts across Wales and England --> <!-- - Coordinated LSDG for 2 years --> --- ## Our focus .center[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/DL4SG.png" width ="650px" > ] --- ## What questions interest us? .center[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/questions.png" width ="500px" > ] --- ## Mission and vision .pull-left[ - My mission at Data Lab is to create a .remember[nurturing environment] where: - we .remember[learn to think] - .remember[maximise Ph.D. students potential] as independent researchers and as human being. ] -- .pull-right[ - Position Data Lab as one of the .remember[leading PhD research groups in Europe by 2030]. - PhD graduates to be recognised internationally for their: - .small[knowledge and skills], - .small[rigorous methodologies], - .small[research integrity], - .small[contributions to social good]. ] --- ## Members - Academic staff .center[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/staff.png" width ="1000px" > ] --- ## Members - PhD students ### 13 PhD students linked to the group .pull-left[ ### Enrolled at CU - Mr. Mustafa Aslan - Miss. Fatemeh Monshizadeh - Miss. Udeshi Salgado - Mr. Amir Salimi Babmiri - Mr. Mingzhe Shi - Mr. Rui Xu - Mr. Harsha Halgamuwe Hewage - Mr. Joshua Roby-Welford ] .pull-right[ ### Visiting - Arebu Issa Bilal, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia - Yemsrach Hailu, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia - Birhanu Shanko Dura, Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia - Venessa Wells, University of New England, Australia - Alfred Sallwa, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania ] --- background-image: url("resources/hierarchy-left.jpeg") background-size: contain background-position: left class: middle .pull-right2[ ## Outline - Who we are and what we do? - .remember[DL4SG activities] - Projects and partners - Future plans ] --- ## Lekolin - Research seminars led by Danni and Mustafa .pull-left[ - Monthly research seminars - speakers from DL4SG, CU, and external - topics related to data, AI, operations research, and social good - PhD students present before going to conferences - Practice how to provide and receive critique ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/a4.jpeg" width ="600px" > ] --- ## Training led by Harsha Delivering training for and by PhD students to the group and University based on a training need analysis .pull-left[ ### Delivered - Reprodicubility using Quarto - Using Zotero - Introduction to R & RStudio - Introduction to Python - AI tools for research - Inventory modelling ] .pull-left[ ### Upcoming - Machine learning with R and Python - Data visualisation using R & Python - Agent based modelling - Optimisation: stochastic and dynamic programming - Uncertainty quantification - Causal modelling or modelling to explain ] --- ## Miri - social activities led by Fatemeh .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/a3.jpeg" width ="600px" > ] .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/zihao.jpeg" width ="600px" > ] --- ## Yarn - learn to question and think, led by Amir .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/q1.png" width ="400px" > ] .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/q2.png" width ="400px" > ] --- ## Linkedin page, website, mailing list led by Udeshi and Ming .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/Linkedin.png" width ="1000px" > ] .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/mailinglist.png" width ="1000px" > ] --- ## Annual PhD workshop - Held every October .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/a1.jpg" width ="600px" > ] .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/a5.jpeg" width ="600px" > ] --- ## Communication channel <img src="figure/lomsac2025/LOMSAC.png" width ="1000px" > --- background-image: url("resources/hierarchy-left.jpeg") background-size: contain background-position: left class: middle .pull-right2[ ## Outline - Who we are and what we do? - DL4SG activities - .remember[Projects and partners] - Future plans ] --- ## Some reserach projects .small[ - Forecasting for staffing in unscheduled care - Global immunisation (vaccines) supply chain - Discharge coordination in health & care - Generative AI in telehealth - Reproductive health and family planning operations - Digital twin in healthcare - Early warning systems for drought response supply chain - Data driven solutions in fragile settings - Modelling consumer purchasing behaviour in modern slavery supply chains ] --- ## AFRICAST- Empowering Forecasting Excellence across Africa ### two cohors delivered with total of 180 participants .center[ <iframe src="https://workshop.f4sg.org/africast/" width="100%" height="500px" data-external="1"></iframe> ] --- ## Democratising forecasting ### Since 2018 .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/df.jpeg" width ="1000px" > ] .pull-left[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/df2.jpeg" width ="1000px" > ] --- ## Partners <img src="figure/lomsac2025/partners.png" width ="1000px" > --- background-image: url("resources/hierarchy-left.jpeg") background-size: contain background-position: left class: middle .pull-right2[ ## Outline - Who we are and what we do? - DL4SG activities - Projects and partners - .remember[Future plans] ] --- ## Plan for 2025-2030 .small[ - Continue and improve DL4SG activities - Collaborate with Doctoral Academy to deliver training on reproducibility, forecasting, R and Python - Recruiting 10 PhD students by 2030 - Publish a new book on **forecasting & OR for healthcare management: applications in R and Python** (freely accessible by 2027) - Delivering two summer schools on **forecasting and operations research for healthcare management** - International Symposium of Forecasting - European Conference on Operational Research - Continue to deliver AFRICAST ] --- ## Thank you .pull-left[ - All PhD students - Thanos, Paul, and Danni - Maneesh, Daniel Gartner - Marco & Maryam ] --- ## DL4SG honour 2024 -- .pull-left[ For exceptional contributions that keep the group dynamic, impactful, and aligned with its mission for excellence in research, learning and engagement. ] .pull-right[ <img src="figure/lomsac2025/harsha.png" width ="1000px" > ]