
A reflection on the transition of a forecasting in R workshop from face-to-face into an online format

Following a transition from teaching a face-to-face workshop into an online format, I share a post to reflect on my experience which might be useful for others

Forecasting in R, National Health Service(NHS)-R community

A two-day workshop that will take you on a tour of the main forecasting steps. Starting from

Week 2- Prepare Data - Part 1

This posts explains steps in preparing data for analysis

Week 1- Essentials to work in R

1 Forecasting task 2 Essentials to work with R 3 Important things to know about R 4 Install and load packages 5 Getting help in R 6 Be patient with R, and with yourself 7 Next blog 8 Github for forecasting using R 9 References Following the delivery of a series of workshops on forecasting using R in the developing countries-please see democratising forecasting section- and some other organisations such as NHS in the UK, I am going to publish series of weekly posts (every Friday) to make them accessible to a wider audiance.

Forecasting Training for the National Health Service(NHS), UK

A guide on the 2 days workshop for NHS across the UK in collaboration with NHS-R community

Call for Submissions

A guide to call for paper submission for forecasting for social good workshop

Promoting joint analytical problem-solving building on the Welsh Modelling Collaborative

The Welsh Modelling Collaborative plans to promote joint analytical problem solving for NHS stakeholders by bringing together NHS Wales decision makers, analysts and academics

Democratising forecasting workshop in Tbilisi, Georgia

The 8th demcoratising forecasting workshop will take place in Caucasus University on 16-18 December 2019. Democratising forecasting is an intiaitive lead by Bahman Rostami-Tabar ans sponsored by the International Institute of Forecasters.

Democratising forecasting workshop in Uganda

The 6th demcoratising forecasting workshop will take place in Makerere University Business School in April 2019. Democratising forecasting is an intiaitive lead by Bahman Rostami-Tabar. The aim is to share knownoledge on forecasting and influence relevant practices prioritising the need of population and the society.

Democratising forecasting workshop in Nigeria

The 5th demcoratising forecasting workshop will take place in Institute of Human Virology in April 2019. Democratising forecasting is an intiaitive lead by Bahman Rostami-Tabar. The aim is to share knownoledge on forecasting and influence relevant practices prioritising the need of population and the society.